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  • lisabg3

Last Goodbye?

I told a dear friend goodbye the other day as she lay in her bed in her private room with a big window in the nursing facility. Our eyes met. We smiled. We talked some, as she was able. I updated her on the kids and the grandkids. I told her we loved her. I told her that she was a brave warrior. She repeated "brave warrior." We did not say the words "Good bye", but we said "Good bye." It was in the words unspoken. It was in the holding of hands for a long time. It was in the smile on our faces as we looked at each other. It was in the joy in my heart that I got to see her and in the sadness in my soul that this would probably be the last time. So many memories, good times and hard times, laughing and crying, cackling and hooting and finishing each other's sentences.

You are on my mind, on my heart, and in my prayers every day. May you have peace as you battle on, dear friend and brave warrior.

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